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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I am a Reader-holic

"Hi everyone. My name is Cheryl ... and I think I'm a reader-holic"

For the past year I have been averaging 4 books every 3 weeks. That, (quick mental math here) would equal 56 books a year. No, I don't buy the books that I read. If I did, I would have a serious hole in my pockets. While I love reading, I do not have the need to possess the books that I read. As such, my source of books have been the public libraries around Canberra. Its great that libraries in Australia have such wide selections for every type of reader.

On top of that I read newspapers, news online, blogs and even online tabloids. The latter is a guilty indulgence to keep on top of entertainment news and also in a twisted sort of way, seeing pictures of slim celebrities keeps me in line in the form of exercise and cutting down on fatty foods. But thats a whole other point for a different blog entry.

So ala Yoda, a lot of reading I have done.

Last weekend, Lifeline Canberra held their yearly book fair. Lifeline is a community organisation that does fundraising through various projects to support its crisis telephone counselling program. Each year, Lifeline holds 2 book fairs raising funds through the sale of second hand books donated by private owners and shops from all around Australia.

In the name of supporting a good cause, we went to the fair and bought our fair share of books :) I thought that by being the bookworm I would be the one walking away with the most books. But I was wrong. My in-laws bought more!

The book fair was every book worm's fantasy. There was a huge selection of books, magazines and dvds, suitable for all ages. Any category you can think of, they had. Most were sold at prices between AUD 1-5. It was affordable, a real bargain and all for a good cause. Its no wonder this fair attracts huge crowds every time it is held. If you missed out on this one, look out for the next one in Autumn.

In total I spent nearly AUD 100 that day on books. So yes, I think I am a reader-holic. Maybe not a full blown one, but I certainly read more than the average person. A rough count of BBC's Top 100 Books list, I counted 23 that I have read. ( Note: This list differs slightly from the one that has been passing through Facebook )

I reckon if you have read more than 20 on the list, you too qualify as a reader-holic as I am sure you have read many other titles apart from those that appear on the list.

So how many have you read? Are you a reader-holic?


1 comment:

The Girl said...

Book-aholic u mean. Haha... you should try Jostein Gaardner's the Solitaire Mystery! It's good!