We Are a Family of 4 now!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saying goodbye to the kids

Just early this year I realized that I have been teaching the kids at our church for a long time.
And that was only because a Pastor at our church in one of our conversations casually asked me, "So how long have you been teaching Sunday School?"

For a moment I was stumped because I couldn't provide an answer off the top of my head and I had to count. I surprised myself there because I had always thought that I had only recently begun to teach. Upon counting, it dawned on me that it has been 9 whole years! Imagine that! Where has time gone? 9 years!

I have been teaching the 9-12 year olds and one week each month I lead worship for the kids. Over the years I have seen kids join my class and leave my class when they hit 13 years. Some are teenagers now. Some are now in turn helping out in Childrens Church. And some are taller than I am!

A fortnight ago, the kids and some teachers prepared some cake and snacks as part of a birthday celebration plus farewell for me and I had forgotten to bring my camera along hence I told the kids I would return the following Sunday with my camera to take pictures with them.

Last Sunday I kept my word and went down to bid them farewell and have some shots taken. I was really touched by their excitement and sincerity in wishing me well. Innocence in kids is such a precious thing. You can see the hope shining in their eyes and the truth in each word coming from their hearts. I will really miss them. It was during the farewell that I saw a glimmer of the fruits of my teaching those kids. I could see that they will really miss me and that I had left some impact in their lives. I do hope that which I have taught, will stick with them and the lessons learnt will guide them as they mature.

They were all really sweet, one kid especially because he got me a farewell card. I was told, later on by his mom that he, upon knowing that I was going return a week later to take pictures, insisted that his parents took him to buy a card and he was to choose it himself with no help from his parents. Isn't that sweet?

Thank you little Keith :) I will keep the card with me to remind me of what a blessing it has been to me, to be able to teach you and the kids. In the past 9 years, I have learnt much from teaching children. Every child has different talents, learning abilities and unique character. As such, teachers have to relate to each kid at a different level using different communication styles to bring out their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. From the children I have learnt patience, love, firm discipline, the importance of holding true to your word and getting the children interested in listening to lessons. Most of all, it has prepared me for the kids that I will have in the future too. God has truly blessed me and I was at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. For 9 years, that door was opened for me for a reason and I thank God for it.

Any guesses which kid is Keith? :)



Anonymous said...

Awww....how sweet!! Whose kid is Keith? And..uhmm...one more CKT before you leave! And photos of CKT? ;)

candid said...

Keith is Paul and Vicky's son...

Photos of CKT - char koay teow - ah? This friday take some la :)