We Are a Family of 4 now!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The beginning of tears

Today was my last day at work. The day went by in a blink of an eye with me rushing around getting the final bits done before handing in my laptop to the IT department and returning my badge. Just like that, the 4 years I spent in Intel was over.

Returning the laptop felt like I was losing a limb. Lost a part of me. It was my extra arm, my extra foot. Everything I did at work and even at home revolved around it. I didnt realize my dependence on that slim black machine until the moment it was taken away from me. It felt like I was cut loose, afloat in a world with an endless need for photo storage, net surfing, blog reading and etc. Without my lifesaver.

Quite dramatic huh.

I will also miss the nice drive into work. When I first started out at Kulim, the 45 minute drive into work seemed so long. 90kms a day, 180kms return, felt like such a long trip. But over the years I have learnt to appreciate the peaceful drive. The views of green paddy fields and the light morning mist hovering just above the tree tops gives just the right amount of serenity for me to organize my thoughts before I begin my day. Driving in alone, I get to spend time singing and praying. It was good.

As I left the office for the last time that day, tears started to fall. And as it did, I realised it was the beginning of tears. I will soon be leaving more behind. As much as I look forward to a whole new beginning, I know I will miss the 20++ years I have spent in this country. My experiences, my friends, my life.

Its the beginning of tears.



The Girl said...

You mean you're not working already??
Cheer up. Go watch CSI and House! We will come to Aus allll the time and I will make sure I bring you milk paus :D

Anonymous said...

my dear girl, i'm sad too....but look to the brighter side, k...
beginning of sad tears living the country, but it will also be the beginning of the happy tears that you will create together with Alex for your whole life. I wish you all the best my dear friend...love you always!! muackkksss

AlexandCheryl said...

Yes dear sister Debbie, your sis is not working already. She is flying off this Sunday you know.. :) You STUDY HARD! All my prayers for your exams!

Ai Tee, thank you... will miss you so much! No more porridge in the mornings... :(

yeelee said...

hey hey hey wait.. how about me???
u havent visit me!!!