We Are a Family of 4 now!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 1 - Arriving

This will be a short entry since I didn't have the camera on me and hence couldn't take any pictures.

Landing in Canberra refreshed my memories of this place 4 years ago. Even though I have been back here a few times during those years, the last time I was here in Autumn was 4 years go. The moment I walked out the airport doors, I was hit by the light smell of rusty brown leaves, cold and dry air. The sky was stark bright blue without a cloud in the sky. And the wind was blowing as it did years ago. Just like that I was brought back to my memories when I studied here.

One big thing I forgot to do... I forgot my sunnies. Fancy forgetting my sunnies in a land where its occupants are very concerned about sunburn and skin cancer. That says something about the sun here doesn't it? It is my opinion that the sun here is extra bright than in Malaysia. I squint a whole lot more.

Its cold here even though its only Autumn. Lowest is -1 degrees Celcius while highest is 15 degrees. With the wind constantly blowing, the chill factor is much higher. Oh well, winter is around the corner. More icycles then... I need my body to adjust! Real quick!


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