We Are a Family of 4 now!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go....

I want to post a short entry to thank those who sent me off at the airport. :) Chatting with you guys there really did relieve the pent up emotions and the need to cry. Haha... I know you were all anticipating me to bawl and I even requested you all to bring extra packs of tissue in case I ran out of them but ha.. your presence there actually helped me NOT cry.

So yes, no crying.

Thanks for being there you guys. Gonna miss you all till July! After that, I'll miss you all again when I leave for the second time :)

As for those who had the intentions to come send me off but couldnt make it, its ok. You can still send me off in July! Hahaha...

I was so tired I fell into deep sleep on the Penang-KL flight. I'm just waiting for the next flight to be called now so I decided to post. Next one will be from a different continent in a different time zone!

Keep reading..

Missing home already,


danteoh said...

Aww.... You didn't bawl at the airport!!!??? How could you NOT!? We were placing bets on it. :P Nahh.. Hehe.. All the best moving to Canberra! There are 2 ways to see it here. Firstly, there's now one less fantabulous worship leader in FGA Penang (does this mean I have to worship lead more when I'm back in Penang?Hmm..). But, on the other hand, I now have an extra contact in Canberra whom I can call on to be my tour guide when I'm in Canberra! So, yeah... quoting you in your previous post, "I'm feeling 50-50" (too). ;-)

All the best in cold, boring and government-ish Canberra and the ACT! (Tassie ain't much different either, except the government-ish part. ;-)) God bless you and keep you.

AlexandCheryl said...

Of course you have to worship lead more when you get back to Penang! It is an expected requirement for all who've been away when they come back for a holiday :)

See you when and if we plan a trip down to Tasmania!