We Are a Family of 4 now!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Wedding Invite!

After making many trips to the card makers and many edits to the wedding invite, we finally have the finished product. So excited!

On one hand, I'm glad they are finally done (its one more checkmark to my long to-do list) but on the other hand, I am kinda displeased about some minute details about the cards. Anyhow, as I told someone, I shouldn't nit pick about small things because there is a bigger picture to look at here and by not nit picking, I can avoid stressing myself out. However with me, this is easier said than done.

Mom and dad has pretty much kept mum about the whole card fiasco - all my demands and the editing - fonts too dark, fonts too fat, background's not suitable, background's too fat, alignment needs a change, fonts needs a change, words need a change, change the shades....etc. Admittedly, for the amount I'm paying for these cards, I sure did ask for a lot from the card makers. In the end I felt that I should cut them AND myself some slack and just let the cards be. So yeah.... Here is the finished product!

I can't wait now to get the Penang cards printed so I can start folding, addressing and handing them over to my invitees............. Ooh, what fun!


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