We Are a Family of 4 now!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Development: 8 weeks

This week has been a little tough with the little man. He was a really good sleeper up till now. I think it's wonder week for him. It's too early to be teething and he seems to be getting enough milk so it must be a learning leap that is causing his change in behavior.

I just spent every hour of the last two nights getting up, rocking him, putting him back down and then having to repeat the same sequence again within 30 minutes or so. It was a really tiring night. The days have not been any better with him constantly waking and not sleeping as much.

I googled wonder week and read that the best way to deal with it is to give him as much comforting as I can. It can supposedly last up to a week. It doesn't help that the entire household is down with colds and sore throats thanks to Little A bringing home the virus with her from day care. I have been constantly watching out for the little man hoping that he won't catch it too. Winter hasn't helped in the slightest with the onset of dry noses even though the humidifier has been going nearly all day.

This too shall pass. I just need sleep!

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