We Are a Family of 4 now!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Long Awaited Post

Its been awhile since I have put up a post on the blog. The last time I typed up an entry and actually posted it was way back when Abigail had just turned 5 months. She is now 1.5 years old!

In a nutshell, the last year has just been a whirlwind of getting used to daily changes and challenges. It is a big thing to adjust to having a third person in the family, her growing up from being a baby to being a toddler, me going back to full time work, Abigail adjusting to daycare, Alex completing his Masters and us finding out that hey, amidst all these happenings and the steep learning curve involved, we will be expecting a fourth person in the family!

If having one child wasn't easy, what were we thinking having another? Well, I guess the logic was since we were already working hard as new parents we might as well double the effort now, have 2-3 years of being bone tired and then relaxing once the kids are running around at 3 to 5 years of age.

At least thats the plan :)

So baby no.2 will be due in a mere 10 weeks. I will be back to being a stay at home mom until January 2013 so hopefully I will be able to find the time and the energy to blog a fair bit as I did before.

More soon.


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