We Are a Family of 4 now!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Whipped into a Frenzy

Ok so this is not a baby related post :) Its been awhile I know since a non-baby post. So here is one.

I was given a couple of scones this week and I thought it would be lovely if I had fresh cream and jam to have with it. (I have been eating a lot lately) So off I went to the shops to buy a small pack/carton of fresh cream.

Now I have not bought fresh cream from the shops before and silly me (I haven't been thinking straight lately either) actually thought that I could have the cream straight out of the carton and it would be like whipped cream. I remember thinking at the shops "Hmm... I wonder how they keep the cream whipped in a carton."

So I opened the carton this morning and went "Oh no... its in liquid form. Crap! I have to whip it myself!" I have no idea why I thought it would already be whipped. Anyway, out came the whisk and I set about doing it by hand. I have never whipped cream by hand before and had no clue how long it was going to take, if a specific technique was needed or how many muscles it would hurt. I wasn't going to bust out the cake mixer just to whip the cream and I thought it would be interesting to see if I could actually whip cream by hand. Needless to say my arm was sore within 20 seconds of whipping.

However I must say it didn't take as long as I thought it would. It probably took 5 minutes? I was so excited when the liquid started getting thicker and when it finally hit the WHIPPED stage I was jumping for joy!

I'm sure there are many of you reading this thinking " It's just whipped cream. I have done it so many times. Easy."

Ah well... there is always a first time for everything. Its such a simple thing yet its made my day.

I am so doing this again tomorrow morning.

Scone with freshly whipped cream and a touch of Beerenberg marmalade


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