We Are a Family of 4 now!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Development: 7 weeks

Abigail has started smiling this week. Not intentionally as yet but she has begun smiling to herself a few times a day. Sometimes she smiles and chuckles while being breastfed which I find so very funny. I can't wait for when she starts smiling at us!

I have also started Abigail on some sort of schedule. I put her down for an afternoon nap at 2pm after her lunch. So far she has done quite well, going into her cot without much complaint after 2 afternoons of practice. I hope she keeps to this routine and it will keep her in good stead for when she goes into day care. She takes plenty of intermittent naps throughout the day so she is either asleep or feeding on the breast. I expect this will change in a few weeks when she starts staying awake a lot more during the day.


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