We Are a Family of 4 now!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pregnancy - Week 14, 15, 16

As it so happens we were back in Penang at the end of the first trimester. And as the ends of first trimesters go, moms to be usually have their first ultrasound to check on baby’s progress. So off we went to the obstetrician where I had my first encounter with the cold gel and sound waves.

I must say the entire experience was very surreal. Those who know me know that I have never been the kind of girl who raves over babies, wanting to carry them, coo at them or even say how cute they look. I normally smile pleasantly at new parents and have zero inclination to stay chatting for more than 5 minutes. As such I was very surprised at how happy I felt when we first saw the image of baby. My heart did a little leap when the black and white screen captured a head, body, hands and feet. I was so happy to finally see the little bub that so far has spent 3 months in mommy. So cute!

I guess I now understand how it is impossible to not love your own child. During the 9 months in mommy, the bond that is forged between mother and child is so very unique. Even though I have still yet to really believe that I am now nearly a mother, I can already foresee that as the months progress I will only come to love this little one even more.

Anyways, enough about me for now. Everyone say hello to baby!


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