We Are a Family of 4 now!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Julie & Julia

Julie & Julia left me absolutely astounded. This one gets my vote for the best movie of 2009. I loved how Meryl Streep and Amy Adams brought the characters to life, each with so much individuality yet so very easy for the viewers to identify with. This movie is bound to strike a cord with any woman who cooks.

I went in expecting it to be a good show and came out wow-ed because of the fantastic job the leading ladies did with their roles. The first 15 minutes are magic. It captivates you and holds your attention right to the end. As I watched the movie, several thoughts crossed my mind and there are 3 things I am certain of.

1. This show is bound to inspire many ladies (possibly even some men) to renew their interest in cooking - cooking books/old recipes and especially, the Boeuf Burguignon!

2. This show will also inspire many to take up some form of food blogging as done by Julie Powell in 2002. Since then there has been an explosion of food bloggers everywhere and I think this show may just cause another food blog quake.

3. The sale of Julie Powell's book and Julia Child's recipe book is going to sky rocket.

I was so very impressed by the show that the first thing I did when I got home was to google for Julie Powell's blog, the one that brought on the printing of her book and subsequently the making of this movie. Secretly I thought that they might have closed the blog down as it has been 5 years since her last post. However to my joy and delight, its still up! Here is the link for it below.

This link brings you right back to her earliest entry.Click here if its her last entry that you want to read.

If you haven't watched the show, do go watch it. I have spoken so much about it that the hubby is insisting I have to take him see it. I usually don't like watching the same movie twice and even less so when I have to pay to do it. However I make an exception for this movie. (I went to see this movie on a Girls Night In - organised by the Cancer Council. So hubby was not allowed to make it)

So here I am signing off on this entry by mimicking Julia Child in saying..... 'Bon Appetit!' ... to your watching the movie and to any cooking endeavours you may embark on after watching the movie. :)


1 comment:

The Girl said...

I have been wanting to watch this movie for so long!!!