We Are a Family of 4 now!

Friday, May 15, 2009

In-Laws Place Got Burgled!

Last Wednesday evening we received a call from my inlaws telling us their place got burgled. It was only ~3 weeks ago that our neighbours two doors down got burgled. What is this quiet, previously country town, slow growing city coming to?

The police were called in and all losses accounted for. The forensics team ala CSI was brought in to dust for fingerprints and footprints. But as all domestic break ins go, the thieves were wearing gloves so no fingerprints were left behind. The police made enquiries and discovered that there were some eyewitnesses who saw 3 teenage looking boys with backpacks walking down the driveway and subsequently knocking on the front door. Their actions did not arouse suspicion because it was thought that they were fund raising or going door to door to sell stuff. No one was home to answer the door and its our conclusion that they then brazenly broke in.

Entry was via a window at the back of the house and the ransacking was quick. The house is currently in a mess and it will take roughly a week to sort things out. Drawers were pulled out of place and even the night table was turned upside down and tossed onto the bed. Packaged food and bottled drinks were left on the floor and no cabinet was left unsearched. They even went through the freezer, pantry plus pots and pans! They must have known that Asians tend to keep their earthly treasures in the oddest places.

My in-laws have been staying at our place since and hopefully all things will return to normal next week. A burglary/break in always changes the atmosphere in a home. The sense of security has been broken and it will take awhile before confidence in the 4 walls returns.

A total of 6 homes were burgled in the same suburb that day. Each house was on a different street. We figure it must have been the same 3 men.

We pray for security and for angels to look over us and our homes.


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