We Are a Family of 4 now!

Friday, June 27, 2008

A Week To Go!

It feels a little surreal that in a week, I will be getting married.

That sentence makes it sounds like I'm really composed and calm about it.

I AM SO NOT! Oh my goodness! Its in a week! All the months of planning and work is finally coming to a crux in 7 days! Only 7 days! 148hours! 7 more nights of sleep! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!

Starting tomorrow, everyone in this house is going to need lots of shut eye. My parents, my sis, my aunts, my friends are coming to Canberra 2 days before the wedding and the coming days leading up to the day is going to be craaazy!

If any of you have been checking in, I do apologize for the lack of posts. I just got back from Melbourne on Tuesday and have not stopped working my bottom off since then. Today was spent alone at the new place painting, washing out cabinets/drawers, arranging the pantry and giving our new dishes a good rinse before use. It was non stop 8hours of labor for me. I think I have lost the use of my right arm. Alex has been given notice that he has to feed me tomorrow since I think I won't be able to lift my arm.

Oh and I have something to be grateful for today. While leaving no.32 at 940pm tonight, I missed the final step outside our main door and with a loud yelp, went crashing to the ground on my right foot. I, who have lost the use of my right arm, nearly lost the use of my right foot as well. THAT, would not have made for a beautiful bride going down the aisle in a weeks time. For that, I am oh so grateful. After falling to the ground I couldn't move because of the excruciating pain shooting up my leg. Imagine me the clumsy goose sitting by the road on a wintry dark night... Had Alex worried there for awhile :p

Thank God all is good! No sprain, just a little sore.

I will update once again in the midst of the coming madness. Could be more than one entry if we have the time!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Its the last lap to the final date now. 5 days and counting :)

Anonymous said...

gosh girl..u should have been more careful :s....dun think i wana c a bride in tongkat either..hehe...hoping to c u soon..muackss

Anonymous said...

Aw so cute you can't say "ass"