I had 4 days in week 9 of "Great! I can eat again!" A lot less nausea and food didn't seem so unappealing in the evenings. I was about to start the celebrations of having control of my body back when I got hit with a massive wave of nausea on Monday. So we are back to square one. I can't wait for this phase to diminish. I have been pretty blessed so far to only suffer from evening sickness and not a morning one. At least I can still function at work for most of the day before I start showing signs of fatigue and holding down the contents of my stomach. I have been told of a relative who suffered from ALL DAY sickness right up to the end of her 2nd trimester. That is half a year long! I'm just waiting for my 2nd trimester to start and hope it means that I will have my normal appetite back plus no more nausea. For now, I am still a burping machine and still semi constipated. Toilet visits are now once in two days.
As for week 10, I have discovered that it is better if I continously eat throughout the day to avoid having gas build up in my tummy. Over the last 2 weeks I have noticed a change in my sleeping pattern. I used to sleep all night on my back. Now I fall asleep only on my side, then I flip onto my back and then I flip over to the other side. Its a 3 side rotation all night and I keep having to wake up to do it. Waking up multiple times through the night is really annoying.
I can now barely fit into my shorts. Though outwardly I don't look pregnant, my clothes sure feel very different to me. Things just don't fall in the right place anymore.
Oh and I felt like having dim sum over the weekend so the family headed to an all you can eat dim sum lunch. I weighed myself the following morning and gained 2 kgs!
Thankfully, the weight didn't stay on. After two days it dropped back down.
In week 11, I threw up for the first time. I have been having some trouble when I brush my teeth for the past few weeks. Each time mid brush I start feeling the heaving of stomach contents. Because brushing is the first thing I do after waking, I have no stomach contents so I end up dry retching. So far I have been able to take deep breaths to hold it down but this morning, I was unsuccessful and heaved up stomach acid. Real gross. But I can't complain much since I have only 'vomited' once all pregnancy. Baby has been good to me.
After 11 weeks of pregnancy, I have officially gained 500gs. I think if it wasn't for the dim sum binge, I may not have even gained the 500gs. I must say though I am looking a lot more bloated even though the weight gain is minimal. Wonder why....