We Are a Family of 4 now!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Surprise and The Beginnings of an Adventure

So we found out today that we are pregnant!

I have been feeling a little odd over the last 2 weeks and the thought of being pregnant snowballed into a huge possiblity when I missed my regular monthly visit from Aunt Flow. Mostly I had being feeling tired, especially at nights when I could barely keep my eyes open once the clock hit 7pm and come 830pm I would have to call it a night. I would come back from work feeling absolutely disinterested in cooking and in food. So those were the initial signs.

The last few days have been slow going and with each passing day my anxiety has been growing. Not just because this possibility was a constant reminder at the back of my mind, but also because I had to adjust doing several new things and taking more responsibility at work all at the same time. I was going to start in a new role at work which required some mental preparation and some form of studying.

So we waited until Alex completed his final paper which so happened to be my first day at work in the new role. We made an appointment to see the doctor. You must be wondering why I didn't have the kit done at home with the urine. Well I figured that if my suspicions were accurate, I would have to go in for a doctors appointment anyway so why not get the confirmation in one hit? If I did the urine test at home, there could be the possibility of doubt. 'Maybe the kit was wrong?'

In we went for the check and the doctor gave us the affirmative news. I must say that the doctor must have thought we were the most reluctant couple he has ever given the news to. Both Alex and I were dumbfounded when he confirmed the news. The momentary silence was so deafening we could have heard a pin drop. It was mostly out of shock I think. Even though we were both prepared for the possibility, actually hearing it from a health professional super super CONFIRMS it. No mistakes there.

Anyways, the doctor has written up a list of basic blood tests that I need to get checked out for and from this day onwards we will be having monthly check ups to make sure everything is going good and on track.

Oh and just for laughs, this is Alex's response to the positive urine test :) It so happens this was the shirt he was wearing that day.

Wish us all the best folks. Its a whole new journey, one much longer than just a flight, a hop and a skip away. This will be a 25 year journey..... We are pregnant!



Tine said...

Awww congratulations guys :)

PS: The "I Apologise" tee shirt will come in handy during delivery. HAHAHA :D

Mace said...

OH! You back-blogged!!! :p Now it's really official :p Can't wait for the celebrations to start when you get back :p Baby-shopping awaits...not shopping for babies...shopping for baby-stuff.