We Are a Family of 4 now!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Random Things..

We live quite close to where I work and on some days I walk home instead of having Alex pick me up. On each walk, I pass a huge playing field (I have learnt that most playing fields here are called Ovals in general) A flock of cockatoos have made this field their home and every evening there will be at least 20 of them sitting around fussing with their feathers and making a huge racket. If you have not heard cockatoos before... imagine loud cackling coming from your radio and turn up the volume by 2 notches. Thats how loud they are. Multiply that by 20 and oh boy....

The cockatoo on the right looks a little banged up.

Before coming to Australia, I never really understood how people caught the hayfever. Now that I have seen the extent of wind and the concentration of pollen flying around here, I fully get how easy it is catch it. Just the other day, the wind was constantly going and it was sweeping up ball after ball of pollen. There were so many balls in the air that it was impossible to not have any land on me. I had to grab something off the clothesline and I did a quick duck to grab it before running into the house. I wasnt quick enough and in one quick gust of wind, I had one ball of pollen land right on my nostrils. I didnt have any hands to push it off. I had to huff and puff to do it without breathing anything in.

Finer than fur balls, whiter than cotton

So far I havent got the hayfever. But I have been told that the sensitivity develops after a couple of years of being in Australia. I sure hope it doesnt happen to me. Nasty thing....


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